Thursday, November 29, 2007

Holiday Schedule

Ahoy! You may have noticed a bit of dust gathering around here, and I just wanted to let you in on a terrible secret - The holidays make a mess out of everything! There's like families, and traveling, and friends who actually want to see you all of a sudden, and then somebody has to go off and get married! Anyway, things will probably be a bit sporadic for the next month, but we shall think about you with urgent longing as we are away.

I'm hoping to be able to get some things up on the non-drink making front to try and keep you all entertained, so all is not lost.

Speaking of non-drink making, for the love of God don't forget that December 5th is Repeal Day! Celebrate this most awesome of days with a tasty drink at your favorite watering hole, and meditate on how much more unattractive and less funny we would all be were it not for the 21st Amendment.

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